Faculty Staff Directory

Name Phone Department
Merideth Van Namen mvannamen@yopin365.com 662-846-4373 Dean of College of Education
John Vespucci jvespucci@yopin365.com 662-846-4065 Social Science
Kendrick Walker kwalker@yopin365.com 662-846-4020 Enrollment Management
Loretta Walker ljackson@yopin365.com 662-846-4407 Social Work
Terrance Walker ttwalker@yopin365.com 662-846-4682 Student Business Services
Nakikke Wallace nwallace@yopin365.com 662-846-4787 Student Affairs
Dafang Faith Wang dwang@yopin365.com 662-846-4494 Biological Sciences
Carrie-Grace Washer cwasher@yopin365.com 662-846-4315 Family & Consumer Science
Carrie-Grace Washer cwasher@yopin365.com 662-846-4320 Family & Consumer Science
Barbara Washington bwashington@yopin365.com 662-846-4911 Student Success Center
Cristie Washington cwashington@yopin365.com 662-846-4000 Office of the President
Sam Washington swashington@yopin365.com 662-846-4239 Commercial Aviation
Timothy Watkins twatkins@yopin365.com 662-846-4395 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Freddie Watt fmwatt@yopin365.com 662-846-4137 Internal Auditor
Bobbie Webb bwebb@yopin365.com 662-846-4740 Non-Bonded Residence Halls
Maria Weber mweber@yopin365.com 662-846-4478 Math and Sciences
Adarian West awest@yopin365.com 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Kayla West kewest@yopin365.com 662-846-4400 Child Development Center
Jonathan Westfall jwestfall@yopin365.com 662-846-4308 Counselor Education & Psychology
Karey Westfall kwestfall@yopin365.com 662-846-4370 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Charles Westmoreland cwestmoreland@yopin365.com 662-846-4065 Social Science
Jennifer Westmoreland jwestmoreland@yopin365.com 662-846-4440 Instructional Resources
Helen White hwhite@yopin365.com 662-846-3636 Custodial Services
Jawara Whitehead jwhitehead@yopin365.com 662-846-4740 Electrical
Kendra Whitehead kwhitehead@yopin365.com 662-846-4010 Vice President for Academic Affairs
Elizabeth Wickliffe ewickliffe@yopin365.com 662-846-4574 Student Success Center
Kelley Willard kwillard@yopin365.com 662-846-4268 Nursing
Glenda Williams gwilliams@yopin365.com 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Glendscene Williams gwillims@yopin365.com 662-846-4183 Accountancy
Kevin Williams kwilliams@yopin365.com 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Grounds Horticulture
Martha Williams mawilliams@yopin365.com 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Shelia Williams swilliams@yopin365.com 662-846-4698 Student Business Services
Patricia Wilson pwilson@yopin365.com 662-846-4740 Non-Bonded Residence Halls
Rolph Wolfe rwolfe@yopin365.com 662-846-4760 Admin Information Technology Servcs
Susan Wood hwood@yopin365.com 662-846-4700 Continuing Education
Richard Woods rwoods@yopin365.com 662-846-4555 Health & Physical Ed & Recreation
Augustus Wright Not Available 662-846-4521 Geospatial Information Technology
Katherine Wright kwright@yopin365.com 662-846-4720 Art
Forest Wyatt fkwyatt@yopin365.com 662-846-4000 Office of the President Emeritus
Liandong Yang lyang@yopin365.com 662-846-4180 Accountancy
Benjamin Yarbrough bdyarbrough@yopin365.com 662-846-4579 Delta Music Institute
Yongqin Zhang yzhang@yopin365.com 662-846-4251 Math and Sciences
Yongqin Zhang yzhang@yopin365.com 662-846-4251 Biological Sciences
Guozhen Zhao gzhao@yopin365.com 662-846-4209 Management, Marketing & Bus Admin